Saturday, July 19, 2008


Once again, I am behind on our blogging. We were able to celebrate Chritina's birthday on July 8 at Joe's Crab Shack and even had my Mom there. She had an especially good time! Christina had a good time and has started to look pregnant!

The photo's from my Mom's birthday, Ryan and Sam's party, Christina's party and some very lovely flowers I have grown in the yard. Samantha has inspired me to post flowers since hers were so pretty. We look forward to our trip to New Orleans this week, but really look forward to our trip to see Ryan, Samantha, and Nick in late August.
It's too hot today to be witty and charming, besides I have writers block.
Love, Carol, Mom, Cecebelle


the smiths said...

Ohhh I love all the pictures! Your flowers are so pretty!!! And oh my goodness at Christina! She is looking pretty and pregnant...such a good look for her!!! Can't wait to see you and Glenn!! Love love!

MrsBarrett said...

Great pictures! Christina looks lovely!